English Language & LINGUISTI Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer

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Links for students




Organising your studies
Going abroad
Presentation skills
Academic writing

On this page, I have collected a number of links and some material that my students of English language and linguistics may find useful.

If you have any additional suggestions, just let me know.


Organising your studies

  General information   The Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst provides useful general information for students at Bavarian universities at www.studieren-in-bayern.de
  Is teacher the right job for me?   If you are studying some type of Lehramt Englisch but wondering whether becoming a teacher is actually the right job for you, take this professional self-test by the company Career Counselling for Teachers.


Studying English in Erlangen   The homepage of the Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik provides you with information on how to organise your study of English in Erlangen.

The language centre's homepage offers you an overview of which practical language courses you should attend when during your studies.

You will also find information on your particular line of studies in the following documents:

Information sheet for BA students
Information sheet for students of Lehramt Gymnasium
Information sheet for students of Lehramt Englisch als Unterrichtsfach (i.e. Grundschule, Hauptschule and Realschule)
      If you intend to take the written state examination for Lehramt Gymnasium in English linguistics, you are advised to take a look at the so-called Orientierungshilfe.




  Registering for examinations   On the site of the Prüfungsamt, you will find pdfs with up-to-date and binding information on registration procedures and dates. Please note that for the state examination in particular, you will be required to register a very (!) long time in advance, namely in January for the autumn exams and in July for the following spring.

The Prüfungsamt has also published a list of FAQs (= frequently asked questions) and the Studien- and Prüfungsordnungen, such as the LPO I for prospective teachers (i.e. the Lehramtsprüfungsordnung, which gives you the details of the state examination at the end of your studies at university).


Going abroad

      The exchange programmes most frequently used by German students to study a year abroad are:
ERASMUS for the European Union
Fulbright for the United States
DAAD for the whole world
  PAD   You are studying to became a teacher? You would enjoy teaching German to English-speaking pupils and earn money at the same time? Then the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst is exactly what you need.
  Language test   In order to apply for the DAAD scholarship (but also for some other programmes), you need to pass an English language proficiency test. The language centre's homepage gives you links to the necessary forms and information on who will examine you.


  The eleven state-funded scholarships   Most students have heard that the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes supports excellent students with its scholarships. But did you know that there are also ten other state-funded organisations that bring together (very) good students with particular interests such as Christian faith, party politics or economics?
  Stipendien- lotse   You can search for many more scholarships (e.g. for tuition fees, studying abroad etc.) at www.stipendienlotse.de

Presentation skills

  Rules for presentations   Making your presentations in class enjoyable and instructive for your audience is easy: just follow this piece of advice.