English Language & LINGUISTI Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer

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Academic writing



bulletFormal conventions
bulletStructure and content
      I have assembled the following collection of links and information on academic writing with my students in mind - but many of the connected sites might actually prove useful to anyone writing academic texts in English.

Formal conventions

  Conventions at LMU Munich   You will find the conventions students of English at LMU Munich should follow in writing their coursework here. Do not forget to print out the declaration on non-plagiarism and to attach it to your coursework!
  MLA   The style used by the MLA (Modern Language Association) for formatting and citing is very widespread in the humanities - though linguistics often follows slightly different conventions. A summary of various publication styles can be found at OpenColleges.
  Unified style sheet   Linguists may wish to follow the unified style sheet. These guidelines emerged from a discussion among the editors of several linguistics journals.
  Avoidable mistakes   Since I would like my students to avoid making the same mistakes as those students who came before, I have put a list of avoidable mistakes here.

Structure and content

  Advice   Many sites on the internet are devoted to academic writing and offer advice to students writing their coursework. I found the following particularly interesting: 
bulletHarvard Writing Center (very detailed)
bulletUniversity of Toronto (in-depht treatment)
bulletSite accompanying the printed manuals by Andy Gillett (includes exercises)
bulletLanguage centre at Stuttgart University (collection of links, some of them aimed specifically at students with a German-speaking background)
bullet OpenColleges has a very interesting page about how to avoid plagiarism.
bulletThe Ultimate Guide to Academic Writing offers links to over 100 useful resources that will help you to write various types of academic text, such as essays, research papers or book reviews.
  Electronic resources   For empirical research papers, particularly in English linguistics, you may wish to take a look at my corpus and software links.



Academic phrasebanks


The Manchester phrasebank offers an extremely useful collection of prefabricated chunks that can be used for particular functions, e.g. to connect paragraphs, to summarise research etc.
In addition, you may want to start your own collection of useful prefabs by underlining expressions in academic texts that you particularly like, and by collecting them in a Word file or an exercise book.
      There is also a bilingual German - English phrasebank at bab.la that permits checking the direct translation of expressions such as in Anlehnung an...




Are you at a loss for words? Then go directly to my free online dictionaries links.


More information   For more information on the English language that may help you with writing your coursework, go directly to my English language page.
      by Daniel Gramsch

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make
as they fly  by." (Douglas Adams)